Five more days until amazing! It’s nice to have met many of you before the event. We are having a few more informational gatherings if you’d like to learn more.
Tuesday at 7:00pm at Library Square by the waterfall
This is for general information and to answer any specific questions from makers and volunteers. It’s also a chance to meet each other. If you’ve attended an information session before, have received answers to all of your questions, and don’t want to see our happy faces, then you don’t need to attend. Otherwise, we’ll see you there.
Thursday at 6:00pm at Library Square by the waterfall
This will be for general information for makers and volunteers and maybe an opportunity for volunteers to meet their team leader and get specifics about volunteer duties. Again, if you’d like to learn about volunteering, please show up. You’ll be joining an impressive group of volunteers. Janice, our volunteer manager, will be available to help volunteers sign up for a shift.
To sign up to volunteer, please go to Volunteers.
For tickets, go to Tickets.